英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:33:26
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1. 多余的:spare tyre 备用轮胎 | spare wheel 备胎, 备用轮胎 | to spare 多余的

2. 过剩,有余:5269to some degree在某种程度上 | 5270to spare过剩,有余 | 5271to start with首先,作为开始

3. 富于,多余的:547.smooth away 消除 | 548.to spare 富于,多余的 | 549.on special 以特价出售

For this miniscule chameleon is so small that it can sit on a human thumbnail with room to spare.(因为这种微乎其微的变色龙是如此之小,以至于它爬在人类的手指甲上还有多余的空间。)
They have trained enough leaders for themselves, with plenty to spare.(他们培训了大量的领导者,根本用不完。)
There is plenty of time yet.; There is enough time to spare.(时间宽裕。)
The problem was resolved with seconds to spare, clearing Discovery for launch.(该故障解决时,留给发现号升空的多余时间仅有数秒。)
With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe.(宜将剩勇追穷寇。)
Travellers with plenty of cash to spare can consider spending a night with the starfish at the shining Poseidon Undersea Resort in the Fiji islands.(有条件的游客可以考虑在斐济群岛波塞冬海底度假胜地与海星共度一晚。)
I beg you, from the bottom of my heart, to spare his life.(我诚心诚意地恳求你饶他一命吧。)
We still have two hours to spare.(我们还有两个小时的空闲时间。)
In Einstein's day, there were only a few thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar with seats to spare.(在爱因斯坦的时代,全世界只有几千名物理学家,那些在智力上能与爱因斯坦匹敌的理论家,可能一辆有轨电车就都坐下了。)
The story goes that the king agrees to spare the criminal and set him free.(故事最后,国王答应宽恕罪犯,把他释放了。)
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